Thursday, June 30, 2011

Who knew?

Last night, Samuel decided to bring home a new friend. I should not be surprised since he has brought home numerous creatures on many different occasions and for the most part , I can handle it. Last fall, he brought a Boa Constrictor. This time...... a Tarantula!

I already knew that I do not care for spiders, but I had no idea just how much I can not stand spiders!! As soon as Samuel released the Tarantula in a jar I was sick to my stomach and started having contractions. I didn't know if I was going to pass out or throw up. My whole body contracted as he took the lid off every now and then to take pictures. A few times the Tarantula would jump up and I thought for sure it would become loose in our apartment. After playing with it Samuel and the kids went and set it free as I tried to calm myself down. I felt so weak and amazed at myself at just how much I really do not like spiders! and to think, this is not even as big as they come!


Janelle & Brandon said...


Jonathan and Brittani Bush said...

So when you want to have the baby, just look at that spider!! Lol I know how you feel, I hate spiders too!
-Brittani Bush