Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mom, help me!

Samuel and I have never been big into buying toys for our kids. They love to be outside and would prefer playing in the dirt above anything else. It always seemed like a waste of money. Yet, they need to have something to do inside when they are trapped due to weather. So, awhile ago Samuel and I decided that they could earn a toy with each scripture that they memorize. Brigham was the first to try this out. We assigned him Mosiah 3:19. It took him about 6 months( we were the ones procrastinating!)to learn it perfectly. He was so proud of himself and after a trip to the store and a break he was ready for more. This also gave Bennett motivation as well to memorize a scripture.
We assigned Brigham Doctrine and Covenants section 4. and Bennett the first 4 Articles of Faith. Since summer break begun, every day all I hear is " Mom, will you please help me work on my scripture" of course I am willing to help and sometimes I get a little frustrated when they seem to get stuck on that one word, yet I am very grateful that they are eager to pull out their scriptures and read. Some days, it is like an on going scripture study as we quote them and talk about words and what they mean. Bennett has conquered the first 4 Articles of Faith and loves to say them all the time. Sometimes I catch Emmaline working with him in her room, since she also is working on the Articles of Faith for her Faith in God.
I love my kids!!! I am so grateful for their love of life they have and excitement they share with others!

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