Monday, July 18, 2011

Madaline Lovalyn Parry

Madaline Lovalyn Parry was born July 14th at 1:55am in the morning! She weighed 6lbs 4.5 oz and was 20 inches long. I went to the doctor on the 12th of July because I had an impression that I had a slow leak in my water. The midwives did 2 tests-1 being positive and 1 negative. After doing an ultrasound and monitoring her and I for awhile the midwife sent me home and said we will recheck everything on Monday. The next day I still felt like something was not right, but did not want to call the midwives back and complain. I learned that when you do have a leak they induce you so the baby and you do not run the chance of an infection. So, I figure Madaline took matters into her own hands and decided to just break my water, causing her to be born at 35 weeks. She had problems breathing, due to too much water in her lungs so she was taken to the nursery. Once there they did an xray and decided she might have an infection in her lungs and started her on an antibiotic. They did a blood culture from her arteries, again looking for an infection and put her on a ventilator. Over the course of the past few days she has been up and down but we feel overall she is making head way. We hope she will be coming off all oxygen by tomorrow night and that her body will allow her to digest food. They are slowly feeding her 1cc-2cc an hour. Once she is off oxygen we have at least a 5 day waiting period before she can come home, to make sure all is well.


Jenna said...

Oh my goodness, I can't believe she's here! I was surprised to see that. I hope she will get healthy quickly so you guys can take her home. She looks really cute. I hope you're doing well too. Congratulations on the little one. I am so happy for you guys!!! Give her some loves from me. Take care.

Shannon said...

Congratulations, and I hope things continue to go well! Being in the hospital is not fun, which I know you know. (So were both your girls early?)

Y'all are in our thoughts and prayers.

Daniel and Tiffany Dunn said...

Hope she is alright!! she is precious! congrats!!

Jonathan and Brittani Bush said...

She is beautiful. Congratulations to your family and we hope and pray everything goes okay for your little one. Lots of love your way!
Jonathan and Brittani Bush

Janelle & Brandon said...

She is so pretty!! Congrats! We will be praying that she gets to go home soon