Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A life update

Samuel Graduated on Friday last week with his Masters in Agricultural Economics. He still has his thesis to finsih by May 22nd to turn in to his committee-if that is not enough stress in and of itself that same day he presents part of his paper at a conference here in town. We hope at that point to be able to leave for a few days and go home to Idaho to see family! Samuel will then, defend his thesis on June 1st andafter that pack up and leave....to FLORIDA!!! Not at all where we thought we would end up, nor in the direction we longed to go, but it will be good. New adventures await! I am sure roping an alligator will be at the top of Samuels list.


Janelle & Brandon said...

How exciting! Good luck with everything

Cait said...

Oh no...I think you might be right about the alligator thing. Just don't let him bring it home like the tarantulas...

Shannon said...

Hooray! Hooray for graduating!
Florida is a new adventure, wow. We'll be in Savannah, Georgia for a while (our duty station) and I've been thinking about alligators... My dad grew up on the panhandle of FL and chased baby gators all the time. New adventures, new adventures, new adventures!