Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Irish twins

At least once a week I am asked if my two boys are twins! On Friday as we were waiting outside of Emmaline's school, another mom asked me if they were twins. I replied no. She then said, are they Irish twins- I have never heard that term before. So I just laughed and said, well, they are only 18 months apart. She said, isn't that what an Irish twin is? So, I went home and looked it up;The term “Irish twins” is used to describe two children born to the same mother within 12 months of each other or born in the same calendar year. so, we are close but not that close. Who knows, they may be the closest thing we get to twins!!

1 comment:

Grammadebs said...

your irish twins are adorable! welcome to bloshing....(blogging and b-s-ing.....can i say that on a blogggg?) haha

Love,Aunt Debi