Sunday, May 16, 2010

Las Cruces, Here we come!

I was able to get to the internet for a minute and thought I would share that Samuel received a research assistantship at New Mexico State University! We will be moving there at the begining of Auguast. We are very excited for this opportunity!!!! Hope everyone is doing good!


Bethany said...

Hurray! Come visit us in Socorro, 2 hrs away!
-Bethany, Paul, Grace, (and soon Alice) Gabrielsen

Shannon said...

AHHH! Congratulations! That's wonderful. (I was just telling Matt about yall, and your adventure in Oregon.) Hope the move goes well.

I got this a few weeks ago, here you go:

"Hello all 51st ward members, near and far!! On Monday June 14 from 6-8 pm the Halls will be hosting a reunion BBQ at their home in Rexburg. **Bring your own meat and a side to share, come have fun and talk to the Halls before they leave for their mission in Florida!! Please pass this message along so all are invited!!"

Ally Bally said...

Happy moving to you guys! Hope all goes well.

Elaine Parry said...

I'm so glad to be back in touch with you. I'm always interested in what you are doing and where you are.
So proud of what Samuel is accomplishing and knowing that he couldn't do it without your support.
Tell Emmaline that Belle misses her.